“The Nicoleta brand infected us with our passion for home textiles. There we learned sensitivity for doing things well. Today, we know that it is not enough to offer design and quality. Today, we need a productive model committed to the planet and the future of the new generations”.

Fred and Caro Guiet. Founders Aiguavista


The textile industry pollutes 20% of the water used worldwide and emits 10% of carbon emissions (1.2 billion tons of Co2 / year)*.
Overproduction is one of the main causes of climate change and coastal pollution. But there is another way of doing things. Can you come with us? Without you no change is possible.

*Source: EEC-UN

All our collections are launched in pre-purchase. We produce less and better. It is our way of fighting against overproduction and the damage it causes to our planet.

The pre-purchase revolution

Water is present throughout the production chain. At Aiguavista, as its name indicates, we prioritize the reduction of the water footprint at each step of the process. We work with eco-alternative materials that save water in the cultivation and in the manufacturing process, sustainable dyes applied to garments so as not to waste or contaminate a drop of water, and we produce with pioneering technologies in water-respect vision.

Save water at every step

Conventional cotton is very harmful to the planet, the consumption of water and pesticides that it entails is enormous. At Aiguavista we only work with organic cotton, irrigated only with rainwater. In addition, we use lyocell, linen and hemp, more sustainable materials, and we mix them to obtain surprising new textures. A beautiful alternative to cotton.

100% eco-responsible materials

We manufacture in Portugal, in Guimaraes, a region recognized throughout the world for the quality of its textiles. We know all the people involved in the manufacturing and supply process. This is how we guarantee quality control, fair and decent salaries and full traceability of our garments.

Proximity manufacturing

Each choice is a path we undertake. Our vision is a sum of small decisions that mean big changes.

We do not want mountains of clothes abandoned on the shores of the world. That is why we manufacture on demand, dyeing garments, to adapt to the needs and not generate unnecessary waste.

zero waste

We work with Premium pigments and fully sustainable dyeing processes.
H2 Zero is a closed circuit system for the total reuse of water and its subsequent treatment without the use of chemical agents. Designed to minimize water and energy consumption.

Sustainable and long-lasting dyes

We want healthier textiles for you and for the planet. All our production is certified with the OEKO-TEX® seal, guaranteeing the absence of harmful and irritating substances for people and the environment.

Non-toxic textiles. OEKO-TEX® certification

All the cotton we use is organic. It is softer, hypoallergenic and durable. It has been cultivated without pesticides and with rainwater, reducing excessive water consumption.

100% Organic Cotton

We favor the use of other natural fibers alternative to cotton. They require very few fertilizers, pesticides, and little water to grow. And the results of touch and finish are extraordinary.

Linen and hemp collections

A vegetable fiber obtained from the wood pulp of eucalyptus leaves; its cellulose is extracted, crushed and dissolved in a non-toxic solvent. Thanks to its spinning technique, the raw material does not undergo any chemical change and does not contaminate the water used during its manufacture.

Natural softness: lyocell extracted from eucalyptus

Una visión ética aplicada a toda la cadena de producción.

Mi casa es tu casa

En 2014 creamos la sociedad “mi casa es tu casa” asociándonos con J.F. ALMEIDA, S.A fabricante referente de ropa de hogar en Portugal. Tenemos la sede en el corazón de Portugal, en Guimarães. Una elección ética y estratégica: circuito corto de producción, control de calidad y trazabilidad de principio a fin.

Energías más limpias

Nuestros socios industriales invierten para reducir la huella de carbono a través de la instalación de placas solares y la renovación de la maquinaria para reducir el consumo energético.

Embalajes sin plástico

Si no es indispensable, no utilizamos plástico en nuestro embalaje.
Todo el packaging ha sido fabricado con materiales reciclados y con papel con certificado FSC.

Transporte más limpio

Producir en Portugal nos permite entregar las prendas por vía terrestre de forma agrupada, dejando atrás los altos índices de contaminación de otros medios de transporte como el avión y el transporte marítimo (los barcos cargueros vierten ingentes cantidades de gasóleo y desperdicios al agua).

Condiciones dignas para todos

Desde el productor local al que apoyamos, hasta la confección y el transporte. La producción de proximidad en Portugal asegura condiciones laborales y salariales dignas y éticas, en un entorno seguro. Una filosofía auditada y certificada por SMETA.


Aiguavista is a vital and business project that is committed to responsibility and ethics throughout the chain. Do not wonder why our products are a little more expensive, but why those of other large groups are cheap.